Louis XII (b.1462 r.1498-1515)
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Louis XII (b.1462 r.1498-1515)

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King Louis XII of France was the first husband of Princess Mary, sister of Henry VIII. They were married in 1514 - he was 62 years old and she only 18. The marriage lasted only a few months, ending with Louis' death in 1515.

(2) Louis XII (b.1462 r.1498-1515)

Additional Information on
Louis XII (b.1462 r.1498-1515)

Louis was known as 'Father of the People' because of his talent for good administration and justice and maintaining peace within the kingdom. He embarked on some disastrous Italian campaigns notably with Ferdinand of Aragon in Naples, which after an initial success was taken over to the exclusion of the French, by Ferdinand. In league with the Spanish monarch again in 1508 Louis marched over the Alps against Venice, but was once again foiled and the league dissolved with many of its members joining England and invading France from different points.

Henry VIII induced his favourite sister, Mary Tudor, who was both beautiful and charming, and in love with Charles Brandon (later 1st Duke of Suffolk), to marry the decrepit Louis in the final year of his life. He was aged 52 and had just a few months to live, she was 19. She apparently treated him very well as he was dying but reacted strongly thereafter when her brother Henry tried to marry her off for political reasons again to Francis I, Louis' successor. With Francis' agreement she then married Charles Brandon.

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